*Updated Post* A few years back, I wrote the post (below) about QR Codes, during a time they were seemingly dying off, and wondered if anyone was really using these regularly, as I sure wasn't. Well, as it seems, QR codes have made a massive comeback and I have to admit, I was quite wrong about them dying a slow death.
Now, in my defence, these quirky code blocks were dying off to a degree. However, in my professional line of work, these became quite handy in office environments. I used to create these codes on labels and put them around different areas of the office for business WiFi access. As, many offices had different WiFi networks for guest access, boardroom streaming and such, these became quite handy so passwords did not have to be remembered nor, the need to have to find someone who knew what they were. Guest WiFi passwords were changed daily so, each morning a new QR code was posted in common areas where guests would need access.
That being said, these jumbled maze-like puzzle squares had limited uses. Originally, they became such a gimmick that people were just ignoring them (I was one of these for sure). I mean really, who is going to scan the QR code on their shampoo bottle to find our more about the shampoo they are using or about the company that makes it? They were used by a very small niche of people that frankly, in my opinion, had too much time on their hands.
And now... well, slap my butt and call me Susan, they have become almost a necessity in our daily lives. From airline boarding passes, retail shopping, parts for manufacturing, websites, Apps, installing Hue bulbs or wireless property cameras or for personal Authentication and digital security... the list goes on and on. They have truly become the handiest things.
They are on everything! Though, who really needs to scan a QR code on the sticker of a banana? But, as our tech has advanced greatly and our lives are run by the device in the palm of our hand to do anything and everything these days, I have to admit, I scanned a banana to see what rabbit hole it would take me down.
To my amazement, it led me nowhere. It just produced a set of 13 numbers. I was actually disappointed. I assume that these are just like serial or batch numbers that could be used to track the specific bunch that was picked and shipped across the world and by whom, so in the event I died tragically by eating poisonous spider eggs that were inside - through an investigation into my bizarre banana death, they could figure what tree it came from and recall the others from the same batch so nobody else dies. I guess that's kind of handy. LOL
But in all seriousness, those types on many products are "notes" to track product just like the serial number or bar code. As fpr many others, I have to admit that these have become something far greater than I would have ever imagined,even as an IT professional who is all about the next greatest gadget.
And to the person/people that got them out of the ashes... I hope you are enjoying your 15 vacation homes and 80 ft yacht from all the proceeds because, kudos to you, you knew the potential and really sold it!
So now, I ask all of you, how handy do you find these crazy QR code jumble squares?
Do you use QR Codes?
0%Yes, I don't know how I would live without them!
0%Yes, For social media or to install an App but nothing else.
0%No, I really don't like them - they are annoying
0%What is a QR Code?
Original Post 2019:
Ah, those crazy puzzle shaped squares we see on everything these days. In the event you have been living under a rock for the past several years, you probably don't know what these crazy shapes are. No, these are not printing flaws or pictures that haven't loaded properly on your screen. These crazy coded puzzle squares are designed to make our wonderful lives even more wonderful and so much easier. Do they actually help or have they become an absolute annoyance?
In this wonderful world of #technology, we can use our smartphones for almost everything these days. And using the camera on our phones we can actually scan these square codes to give us numerous amounts of information about things such as purchase products or get information about people places or things. Fairly simply, they are much like UPC codes or bar codes but contain much more information. They can contain prices and details of a specific product, web links to obtain more information on a topic or item or even a persons contact information or life story. Why not try it for yourself? Of course, we need an app on the phone for that (or newer devices have them built in). If you go log onto Google Play or iStore you can easily download a free QR Code scanner. Once done start the app and use your camera to scan the QR code above and see what happens (Just make sure you have a #QRcode reader app on your phone).
Originally created for use in the Japanese auto industry, in order to track motor vehicles during the manufacturing process, QR codes are now embedded in everything from toilet paper packaging to subway billboards.Take a good look on many of the products in your home like shampoo bottles, household cleanser labels, egg cartons....they are everywhere. You can even pay your bills or buy a coffee using them. Pay close attention on products and billboards and you will find these crazy squares on almost everything, in the drug store, grocery store and malls. But are people using them? Yes, but not as much as hoped and, their use is heavily declining. Why? Mainly because they are so heavily abused by marketers for advertising which has made it more of a nuisance then actually helping us.
They are so heavily used in advertising (many of them lead you nowhere) and sometimes make no sense or they lead you to the wrong information. Some are are in the most ridiculous places like atop a building on a billboard or in the subway on posters on the other side of the tracks! How do they expect you to scan these unless you are Spider-man?!
Here is a recent funny one that @womanvc tweeted:
In fact, some users have found the funny side of this and have even started a web page called WTFQRCODES to display some funny examples of just how ridiculous some of these advertising codes have shown up in the oddest places.
I was absolutely astonished when I found yet another ridiculous place... the graveyard. Seriously? On headstones? This headstone making company, Quiring Monuments, embeds them into their headstones so that loved ones can access information about the deceased and shared social sites of the deceased. Living Headstones. Wow! I am now speechless. How about you? Do you use these QR codes or are you as frustrated as everyone else or have never even used them? Let me know in the comments!