I had a lovely time with my teenage daughter this past weekend. It was very relaxing. We had an indoor "jamies" weekend. Movie watching and video games with lots of play time with her little sister. One of the best things we like to watch is the BBC's Planet Earth Documentary's (the one narrated by David Attenborough).
About mid way through some very disturbing facts about the declining ice caps and dramatic loss in population of the polar bears, the big question came from her mouth: "Why is nobody doing anything about this"?
Oh, now there is the million dollar question. So simple yet so complicated to answer. I proceeded to explain that it was not so much about that nobody is doing anything about this. It's more about how the powers that be won't allow the change as it doesn't pay very well. It all comes down to the almighty dollar. Just look in the news now, half of them are saying that global warming isn't even really happening and that the marginal increase in world-wide temps is completely normal. She looked at me like I was crazy.
This was a difficult conversation to have with her. I myself am very angered in how human's are treating this planet and each other and am so disheartened in human behaviour, especially in this modern age. I truly believe that humankind needs to be wiped off this planet (we are doing a great job of this ourselves already) and let the earth heal itself from our scarring. Then life can continue again, as it shows it can do time and again. And then, just maybe, a smarter human race will develop.
I always think about Bill Cosby's comic routine "Genesis" from back in1986 when the topic of the arrogance or stupidity of humankind. It's a hilarious routine about children and where the "brain damage" comes from. He follows the Genesis chapter in the Bible that fully explains why we are, the way we are. "...the answer is in the bible people." as he says. As hilarious as it is, it is also spot on! If you have 20 minutes to listen to it, I strongly urge you to do so. It is absolutely brilliant. I have found a You-tuber that has posted it in two parts and have shared below.
I even gave my daughter the short version of his routine. She was quite amused. But I realized that she was looking for some real answers. I can't put my feelings into the mix. The last thing I want to do is to scare her or destroy any hope.
I thought it best to turn it to her. I explained that her generation is different. Far more passionate about what's going on in this world. The older generation that is in power or even my generation cannot resolve this with their current attitude and greed. It is going to take her generation and her children's generation to make things right. The wrong people are in power yet, we have put those people in power.
One of the statistics that the documentary reports is that 60% of all species on this planet has been lost. Mostly over the last 50 years. And the numbers are growing. My daughter was shocked. "It is alarming" I said to my daughter. But not enough people are doing anything about it. We all need to do something about it. But, it's so hard for people to make that type of change and give up so many conveniences of life. We are so set in our ways and have lost the passion to fight for the better for all. It has sadly shifted to "what is better for me".
I shared details from my previous month's post "Going Green Blame Game" and gave her some statistics from the 2016 report, Beyond The Blue Box: Ontario's Fresh Start on Waste Diversion and the Circular Economy. Again, she was quite shocked about the waste and choking of our planet as she sat there sipping from her plastic water bottle that she brought with her.
"Don't get me wrong" I said. "There are hundreds, if not thousands, of groups and companies fighting to make changes and doing wonderful things to help reduce our waste, reverse the climate change and help save further species from becoming extinct. But it's not enough. We all need to be taking a part. Take a look at what you are drinking your water from. And, with your generation's fresh look on the situation and with fresh ideas, you will be a huge part of actually making these changes more of a reality." I explained.
"Oh sure, dump it all in our lap" she said.
"No, please don't look at it like that. Look at it as us needing your help. We need your generation to help us see the broader picture and bring fresh ideas and changes." I said. "We need fresh eyes and less narrow minded views. A new strength to enforce the necessary changes and a new smarter set of logic's" I continued. "All is not lost yet and we can save this planet and change for the good. And, in no way will this happen overnight. But if the next few generations follow our footsteps, it will be impossible to revert what has been done and this planet will be irreversibly damaged, along with humankind. Help enforce and strengthen the good that is being done now by many and further awareness. And whatever you need to do this, I will support 100% and help any way I can. I try and do my part but, I am not perfect. I need you to help me as well". I said.
She sat there for a minute and then suddenly burst forth with ideas on how to change this and how to change that. It was amazing to see. I gave her hug and said: "see, that's exactly what this world needs. And we need your help to test those ideas, put a plan into action and spread more awareness of the need for this change". I was so proud of her and a part of me gained confidence in thinking that the human race, and the planet, just may have a chance. Let me know in the comments how your children are reacting to what is happening to our planet. How do you discuss it with them?